Women In Leadership

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  • Author: AION Academy
  • Level: Advanced
  • Study time: 6 hours
  • Video time: 3 hours
  • Exams: 10
Course overview
Gain an insight into how women are changing the workplace and the benefits unlocked.
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Certification included
Master the essential tools, step into any job, and excel from the start. Acquire the skills that define true professionalism. Train with the tools used by leading global experts. Elevate your confidence and become a master in your field.

What's included?

  • 12 Modules
  • 1 Certification
  • 100 Questions
  • 63 Videos

Become a Strategist 

Participants can expect to cover a range of topics tailored to address the unique challenges and opportunities women face in leadership positions.

Personal Value

You will also gain insights on how to translate the concepts introduced to you into actionable strategies, empowering you to establish your personal brand as a woman in leadership.
Lesson series

Women In Leadership

Gain an insight into how women are changing the workplace and the benefits unlocked.
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