Call Center Training
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Author: AION Academy
Level: Advanced
Study time: 48 hours
Video time: X hours
Exams: X
Course overview
Learn to make the most of your telephone-based work, with top tools for listening and communicating.
Certification included
Master the essential tools, step into any job, and excel from the start. Acquire the skills that define true professionalism. Train with the tools used by leading global experts. Elevate your confidence and become a master in your field.

What's included?
30 Modules
1 Certification
0 Questions
25 Video
Life-time Access
Become a Telephone Service Representative
You will learn how to develop, structure, and implement effective call center protocols, analyze and measure the performance of call handling, communicate persuasively with customers, and establish a strategic framework for call resolutions.
Personal Value
You will also learn how to apply the techniques introduced to you in real-world situations, enabling you to refine call center operations and boost customer satisfaction through effective communication strategies.
Lesson series
Call Center Training
Learn to make the most of your telephone-based work, with top tools for listening and communicating.
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