360 Degree Feedback

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  • Author: Global Human Resource Institute
  • Level: Advanced
  • Study time: 24 hours
  • Video time: 6 hours
  • Exams: 5
Course overview
Master the art of 360 Degree Feedback with our online HR course. Learn to implement this powerful evaluation method in your organization, improve communication, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. Gain insights into best practices, avoid common pitfalls, and help your team achieve their full potential. Start your journey towards effective leadership development today!
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Certification included
Master the essential tools, step into any job, and excel from the start. Acquire the skills that define true professionalism. Train with the tools used by leading global experts. Elevate your confidence and become a master in your field.

What's included?

  • 7 Modules
  • 1 Certification
  • 50 Questions
  • 21 Videos
  • Life-time Access

Become a Performance Management and Appraisal Expert in Human Resources  

You will learn how to design, structure, and implement a 360-degree feedback system in HR, analyze and measure the effectiveness of feedback received, craft insightful feedback reports, and establish a strategic framework for continuous talent development and performance evaluation.

Personal Value

You will also understand how to utilize the methodologies introduced to you in real-world HR contexts, enabling you to optimize the 360-degree feedback process, foster constructive communication, and drive continuous improvement in talent performance and development.
Lesson series

360 Degree Feedback

Master the art of 360 Degree Feedback with our online HR course. Learn to implement this powerful evaluation method in your organization, improve communication, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. Gain insights into best practices, avoid common pitfalls, and help your team achieve their full potential. Start your journey towards effective leadership development today!
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